In der spirituellen und kontemplativen Unbehaustheit der modernen westlichen Welt erkennt René G...
Die Werke René Guénons wurden im deutschen Sprachraum bislangerstaunlich wenig zur Kenntnis genom...
Studies in Hinduism consists of articles published posthumously, to which has been added René Gué...
Guénon's early and abiding interest in mathematics, like that of Plato, Pascal, Leibnitz, and man...
Guénon published his fundamental doctrinal work, Man and His Becoming according to the Vedanta, i...
Deals with the normal relationship between the spiritual and the temporal powers implied in a hea...
A study of the constitution and development of the human being from the metaphysical point of vie...
René Guénon (1886-1951) was one of the great luminaries of the twentieth century, whose critique ...
It is no longer news that the Western world is in a crisis, a crisis that has spread far beyond i...
One of René Guénon's lifelong quests was to discover, or revive, the esoteric, initiatory dimensi...
Initiation and Spiritual Realization is the closest thing to a work on 'spiritual direction' René...
This small volume brings together a number of Guénon's early articles relating to Sufism (tasawwu...