Paradise Lost? examines the state-society relationships in Nepal and demonstrates that the nature...
In an unprecedented show of force, organization and skill, two proscribed Islamist militant organ...
Is Bangladesh becoming a Taliban state? The question has become urgent in light of the growing st...
The past decade has seen a marked policy focus upon Bangladesh, home to nearly 150 million Muslim...
In an unprecedented show of force, organization and skill, two proscribed Islamist militant organ...
Paradise Lost? examines the state-society relationships in Nepal and demonstrates that the nature...
The past decade has seen a marked policy focus upon Bangladesh, home to nearly 150 million Muslim...
My Life With Kate Bush is a warm, nostalgic romp through the 1970s and 1980s. Riaz Ali, who think...
Quantity and quality of OM greatly influence phytoavailability of Ni by forming complexes and che...
The first book-length study to examine identity politics among the Bangladeshi diaspora delves in...
This book is dedicated to applied computational intelligence and soft computing techniques with s...
Cost Estimation has always remained a focus area for researchers of different fields Software cos...