The new Chapter 1 contains all the fundamental properties of linear differential forms and their ...
The Springer edition of this book is an unchanged reprint of Courant and Friedrich's classical tr...
Mathematik ist nicht jedermanns Sache. Wer sie liebt, für den ist sie spannend und aufregend wie ...
From the reviews: 'Volume 1 covers a basic course in real analysis of one variable and Fourier se...
Kaum jemals wird tin Werk eines Historikers einen so starken Reiz tiben und so tiefe Einblicke in...
From the reviews: 'These books (Introduction to Calculus and Analysis Vol. I II) are very well wr...
From the reviews: 'These books (Introduction to Calculus and Analysis Vol. I II) are very well wr...
The Springer edition of this book is an unchanged reprint of Courant and Friedrich's classical tr...