The groundbreaking Parker books are adapted for the first time as a series of graphic novels by l...
Ungezählten Filmproduzenten überließ der große Donald Westlake alias Richard Stark die Rechte an ...
Erstverkaufstag: 02.02.2015
Parker - ohne Vorname, ohne Biographie - ist ein Einzelgänger, professionell bis zur Perfektion -...
Das Sonderheft nimmt die Jahrhundertwende zum Anlaß, um über den Stand der Forschung in der deuts...
We are born, and we die. In between, during our allotted brief time on this planet, we strive to ...
Apart from the work of God in creation, it's notoriously difficult to explain the presence of bea...
Apart from the work of God in creation, it's notoriously difficult to explain the presence of bea...
We are born, and we die. In between, during our allotted brief time on this planet, we strive to ...
We born, and we die. In between, during our allotted brief time on this planet, we strive to make...