Michigan horror author Rick McQuiston offers yet another trip into the dark folds of his mind. Ch...
Brad survived the raid on his home weeks ago, but now is trapped with a strange little girl.D...
Horror short story anthology from Michigan author Rick McQuiston. 15 unique tales of terror that ...
3 Tales of Horror features: The Solution by Rick McQuiston, The story of a vampire invasion, an e...
Michigan horror author is back again with a whole new batch of terrifying tales in his new anthol...
Michigan horror author Rick McQuiston offers his latest batch of horror tales. Twelve stories abo...
Michigan horror author Rick McQuiston is back with his biggest collection of terrifying tales yet...
Michigan horror author Rick Mcquiston offers another batch of horror tales. Devils, demons, alien...
Michigan horror author Rick McQuiston is back yet again with 18 new tales of sheer terror. Some o...
Michigan horror author Rick McQuiston is back with 15 new tales of terror. Alien invasions, demon...