Midday Musings is a collection of short poetry recording the everyday thoughts of the author hers...
Medical emergencies can, and do happen in the practice of dentistry. The three vital parameters w...
Around 300 000 patients are estimated to have oral cancer worldwide annually, and the incidence i...
Le emergenze mediche possono accadere, e accadono, nella pratica dell'odontoiatria. I tre paramet...
V stomatologicheskoj praktike mogut woznikat' i woznikaüt chrezwychajnye situacii. Tri zhiznenno ...
Les urgences médicales peuvent survenir, et surviennent effectivement, dans la pratique de la den...
As emergências médicas podem, e acontecem na prática da odontologia. Os três parâmetros vitais qu...
Medizinische Notfälle können und werden in der zahnärztlichen Praxis vorkommen. Die drei lebenswi...
Las urgencias médicas pueden ocurrir, y de hecho ocurren, en la práctica de la odontología. Los t...
This book is a collection of poems on feelings, stories, and relationships that make life special...
'Intellectual Property Rights' offers a comprehensive exploration of the fundamental concepts and...
'Direitos de Propriedade Intelectual' oferece uma exploração abrangente dos conceitos fundamentai...