Weil ihrer Stammkneipe die Schließung droht, wenn es dem Besitzer nicht gelingt, 2,5 Millionen Do...
-Backdraft (USA 1991):Ein gefährlicher Brandstifter und Mörder ist in der Stadt und seine liebs...
Weil der siebenjährige Simon einen neuen Top-Secret-Code geknackt hat, muss Art Jeffries, FBI-Mit...
A new approach to understanding late-life depression, using a series of case studies with comment...
Hugh P. Possingham Landscape-scale conservation planning is coming of age. In the last couple of ...
George Washington knew little of architecture when he planned and built Mount Vernon, but he did ...
Why does regulation vary so dramatically from one area to another? Why are vast sums spent on con...
General and special education teachers will find 40 ready-to-use lesson plans that focus on child...
The time is the mid-first century AD. The followers of Jesus of Nazareth, called the Apostles, ar...
Since the publication of the first edition of this text, ever-increasing coatings research has le...
This book is an education resource for practitioners who in organize services for people with dem...