Der traumatisierte FBI-Agent Joel Campbell, dessen Freundin von einem Serienkiller ermordet wurde...
Schauplatz New Orleans, kurz vor Beginn eines spektakulären Prozesses. Ein Waffenkonzern hat den ...
Durch ein Missgeschick gerät ein Zug, beladen mit giftigen Chemikalien, unbemannt von allein in B...
'Groundbreaking ... [provides] a deep history of the invention of the 'normal' mind as one of the...
Erstverkaufstag: 19.02.2025
Rural Entrepreneurship: Harvesting Ideas and Sowing New Seeds examines what we have learnt about ...
How do archaeologists make effective use of physical traces and material culture as repositories ...
There is now an awareness within the industry, particularly as oil companies direct considerable ...
(LARGE PRINT EDITION) Two Parts to Which is Prefixed The Life of the Author and a Sketch of His W...
Including the abundance of information known prior to the return of Halley's comet, as well as th...
At the heart of Emerging Complexity is the thesis that complex societies developed independently ...
With 1,500 new words and phrases, this abridged edition of the Dictionary of American Slang is th...
This volume brings together studies on the disposal of the dead and the archaeological research p...