Das Leben des heutigen 'Normalchristen' ist nur wenig vom Übernatürlichen geprägt, schon gar nich...
Faszination Physik auf den Punkt gebrachtWie wirken die Gravitationsgesetze? Woraus besteht ein A...
This is a tale of our times. marking the 25th anniversary of Friends of the Earth, Promising the ...
Every three weeks, a major political crisis begins somewhere in the world. The United States inte...
This report from the CSIS Americas Program provides a detailed look at the challenges the Colombi...
In development, stabilization, and peace building, donors increasingly recognize the importance o...
This is a tale of our times. marking the 25th anniversary of Friends of the Earth, Promising the ...
Most violent conflicts since the turn of this century were in countries that had experienced an e...
Can the United States prevent or end conflicts and protect its interests without using military f...
An introduction to and analytical reconstruction of Thomas Paine's political philosophy and his a...
In Art Matters, Robert Paul Lamb provides the definitive study of Ernest Hemingway's short story ...
In The Hemingway Short Story: A Study in Craft for Writers and Readers, Robert Paul Lamb delivers...