Der traumatisierte FBI-Agent Joel Campbell, dessen Freundin von einem Serienkiller ermordet wurde...
Bill und Ted sind zwei abgedrehte amerikanische College-Kids. Zwar kennen sie alle Hardrock-Bands...
Nahrung für die SeeleEine bewusste Ernährungsumstellung fördert nicht nur die körperliche Gesundh...
Erstverkaufstag: 18.06.2026
In this book, Robert B. Roosevelt foresaw and expressed concern about the eventual decrease and p...
In What Every Rookie Superintendent Should Know the author lays the foundation with a systematic ...
In What Every Rookie Superintendent Should Know the author lays the foundation with a systematic ...
As this engrossing work so clearly shows, it was in this pressure cooker of competition (The Spac...
A truck driver employed by Murdock Motor Freight, Bookie Barnes is a tough working class hero. Th...
Hungry eyes watching from the darkness. Hungry eyes hunting as a team. The pride, driven north ou...
Hungry eyes watching from the darkness. Hungry eyes hunting as a team. The pride, driven north ou...
Cellini Smith returns! Los Angeles private detective Cellini Smith is hired by the pugs who frequ...