When fourteen-year-old Bing Brown, who lives in the Met-how Valley, Third Dimension, loses his ho...
When fourteen-year-old Bing Brown, who lives in the Met-how Valley, Third Dimension, loses his ho...
A future President of the United States is paralyzed by the errant bullet from the gun of a drug ...
This book is about a boy and his parents who areraising awareness about our current ocean crisi...
As Bing Brown continues learning advanced magic to counter the nefarious Council of Ten, Lila Ren...
This book is about the life of Cawta Crow, who lived 26 years (104 seasons), which is very long-l...
After Bing Brown's mentor dies, Bing realizes he is on his own against powerful and intelligent n...
Robert William Hult has been writing engaging stories since he was sixteen. Through a long lifeti...