Chris Nielsen (Robin Williams), ein erfolgreicher Arzt, stirbt bei einem tragischen Autounfall. E...
Großer Schock für Nick Knight, den Vampircop: Schanke und Cohen werden auf einer Flugreise nach A...
This revised and expanded classic includes a new chapter on designing with type, more quizzes and...
DER ETWAS ANDERE ATLAS DER NATURGEWALTENWie entstehen Tornados? Kann der Riesen-Riemenfisch Tsuna...
An energizing case for hope about the climate, from Rebecca Solnit, climate activist Thelma Young...
Erstverkaufstag: 07.07.2023
New Now war die Eröffnungsausstellung des Xiao Museum of Contemporary Art in der chinesischen Sta...
This broad-ranging and clearly structured book critically overviews the many themes of social con...
This book is about the increasing significance of DNA profiling for crime investigation in modern...
This volume is of great practical value for it is a series of case studies of communities that ha...
This book is a 30-day inspirational guide for single parenting. While thirty days may not seem li...
The ability to anticipate and make accurate decisions in a timely manner is fundamental to high-l...