King Arthur is often written off as a medieval fantasy, the dream of those yearning for an age of...
The Mycenaean world: the stuff of legends and heroes who conquered Troy and who still stand at th...
The story of a small Sussex Downland village is told for the first time. Using a wide range of so...
First published in 1990. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
The Sussex coast has attracted people for thousands of years - for foraging, fishing, trade and d...
This is the first book to have been written about the Long Man of Wilmington. Many different theo...
Plato's legend of Atlantis has become notorious among scholars as the absurdest lie in literature...
The biography of part of the Sussex coast is told for the first time: the central stretch of Seaf...
The story of Seaford in the French Wars, 1793 to 1815, based on contemporary sources, including h...
Every generation has created its own interpretation of Stonehenge, but rarely do these relate to ...