Die Lebensreise einer international erfolgreichen britischen Zauberkünstlerin erschien vor sechs ...
The medicinalorganic chemist may create the candidate compound (sometimes referred to as a new ...
A fresh perspective on one of the greatest mysteries of the ancient world as told by world famous...
In this book , we present a method to find a complete fingerprint given a part of it and recons...
Rolipram is a phosphodiesterase-4 (PDE 4) inhibitor. It is being researched as a possible alterna...
DMSO is also widely utilized in the storage of human and animal cell lines and bacteriophage, as ...
SNP,a nitric oxide (NO) donor is a common medication used to affect peripheral vasodilation in ar...
Adenosine has been implicated in the spontaneous and abrupt arrest of seizures (Dragunow, 1986). ...
Arginase (AR)enzyme is implicated in many studies in pathogenesis of IBD.E-selectin , an adhesion...
The characteristic pathologic feature of UC is infiltration of the intestine by mononuclear cells...
Many studies have gone on to suggest that vitamin D deficiency is a contributing factor in the pa...
The present work investigates the effect of rats pretreatment with the purinergic agonists ADO, 2...