A groundbreaking exploration of the science of longevity from Nobel Prize-winning molecular biolo...
'A groundbreaking exploration of the science of why and how we age and die-from Nobel Prize-winni...
Erstverkaufstag: 18.02.2025
'Utterly fascinating.' —Bill Bryson
Erstverkaufstag: 06.03.2025
A groundbreaking exploration of the science of longevity from Nobel Prize-winning molecular biolo...
Erstverkaufstag: 10.06.2025
The scope of this book covers the fundamental background of Metal Matrix Composites (MMCs), their...
This volume represents the proceedings of the Sixth Anniversary MATSCIENCE Symposium on Theoretic...
The third volume of the series entitled 'Symposia on Theoretical Physics' comprises the lectures ...
This volume contains the proceedings of the Third Matscience Summer School held at Bangalore in S...
Bioinformatics is growing by leaps and bounds; theories algorithms statistical techniques are con...
Eco(logicalnomic) efficiencies of agroecosystem,wildlife role, and impact of tourism in an in...
The micronucleus test (MNT) on mammalian bone marrow is widely accepted as a toxicological screen...