Atherosclerosis, the underlying cause of the majority of CVD; affecting both women and men, is a ...
Facial reconstruction of ancient Egyptian mummies, which has a long history, helps visualizing th...
There are two types of fat storage which represents about 80% of all body fat: visceral which is ...
Osteoporosis Update provides reliable information to support researcher and other health professi...
Obesity and overweight are best defined as an accumulation of excessive fat that may be harmful t...
Obesity (BMI 30 kg m2) and overweight (BMI 25 kg m2) are commonly associated with fertility d...
La obesidad (IMC 30 kg m2) y el sobrepeso (IMC 25 kg m2) se asocian comúnmente con los trasto...
L'obésité (IMC 30 kg m2) et le surpoids (IMC 25 kg m2) sont couramment associés aux troubles ...
L'obesità (IMC 30 kg m2) e il sovrappeso (IMC 25 kg m2) sono comunemente associati a disturbi...
Adipositas (BMI 30 kg m2) und Übergewicht (BMI 25 kg m2) sind häufig mit Fruchtbarkeitsstörun...
Obesidade (IMC 30 kg m2) e sobrepeso (IMC 25 kg m2) estão normalmente associados a distúrbios...
Oty¿o¿¿ (BMI 30 kg m2) i nadwaga (BMI 25 kg m2) s¿ powszechnie zwi¿zane z zaburzeniami p¿odno...