'From the founder of Khan Academy, the first book written for general audiences on the AI revolut...
'Salman Khan has long been on the cutting edge of education, and in Brave New Words, he shows us ...
The three plane of space in which malocclusion exists are Vertical, Transverse and Horizontal. Fo...
The rural markets play a significant role in transaction of agricultural produce in rural India. ...
The urban sprawl has generated demand for nutritious food especially milk, meat and milk products...
The present study clearly emphasizes that resistantor slow rusting varieties should be cultivat...
Master's Thesis from the year 2016 in the subject Leadership and Human Resource Management - Occu...
Through technical advances we humans have automated vast areas of our working lives. Apart from i...
The book is about to explore the new aspects of Portfolio Cost Management (PCM) in the context of...
The LAWbot (Land Air Water Robot) is an assimilation of multiple robots that allows for motion in...
Biomaterials are the need of the hour, they are the materials of choice in all walks of dentistry...