This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Principles...
This book is based on the workshop on Adaptation and Learning in Multi-Agent Systems, held in con...
This book is a series of entertaining and fast paced stories that explain the evolving innovation...
'Don't just be my garden paradise. Be my flower of love.'¿ Anthony T. Hincks¿
S blagosloweniq moih roditelej, uchitelej i dobrozhelatelej nastoqschim q predstawlqü knigu pod n...
Avec la bénédiction de mes parents, de mes professeurs et de mes amis, je présente le livre intit...
Mit dem Segen meiner Eltern, Lehrer und Wohltäter präsentiere ich hiermit das Buch mit dem Titel ...
Con la bendición de mis padres, profesores y bienquerientes por la presente presento el libro tit...
Com a bênção dos meus pais, professores e simpatizantes, apresento aqui o livro intitulado 'Pract...
With the blessing of my Parents, teachers and well-wisher herewith I present the book entitled ¿P...
Con la benedizione dei miei genitori, dei miei insegnanti e dei miei benefattori, presento il lib...