The objective of this book is to provide guidelines to the students of Management Finance and Ind...
This Book explains the basic concepts of marketing. Dividing into 7 chapters, each chapter explai...
This book explains the recent scenario of stock broking firms in India.It helps to identify the s...
This book begins with introducing students to principles of advertising and sales management. The...
Service quality involves a comparison of expectations with performance. According to Lewis and Bo...
Questo libro inizia introducendo gli studenti ai principi della pubblicità e della gestione delle...
Jeta kniga nachinaetsq s oznakomleniq studentow s principami reklamy i uprawleniq prodazhami. Kni...
Este livro começa por apresentar aos estudantes os princípios da publicidade e da gestão de venda...
Dieses Buch beginnt mit einer Einführung in die Grundsätze des Werbe- und Verkaufsmanagements. Da...
Ce livre commence par présenter aux étudiants les principes de la publicité et de la gestion des ...
Este libro comienza introduciendo a los estudiantes en los principios de la publicidad y la gesti...