Ameloblastic fibroma is a mixed intraosseous & true biphasic tumour consisting of proliferating o...
Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) also termed epidermoid carcinoma, is a malignant neoplasm tha...
Over the past few decades, the frequency and severity of natural and human-induced disasters have...
Überzählige Zähne werden definiert als 'Zähne oder zahnähnliche Strukturen, die zusätzlich zu den...
Les dents surnuméraires sont dé¿nies comme 'des dents, ou des structures ressemblant à des dents,...
Vremennye zuby opredelqütsq kak 'zuby ili zubopodobnye struktury, kotorye prorezalis' ili ostaüts...
Supernumerary teeth are de¿ned as ¿Teeth, or tooth-like structures that have either erupted or re...
Os dentes supranumerários são de¿ned como 'Dentes, ou estruturas semelhantes a dentes que ou entr...
I denti soprannumerari sono definiti come 'Denti, o strutture simili ai denti, che sono erotti o ...
Informações diagnósticas influenciam diretamente as decisões clínicas. Dados precisos facilitam m...
Diagnostic information directly influences clinical decisions. Accurate data facilitate better tr...
Diagnosticheskaq informaciq naprqmuü wliqet na klinicheskie resheniq. Tochnye dannye sposobstwuüt...