Based on John Bryson's acclaimed comprehensive approach to strategic planning, the Implementing a...
A comprehensive introduction to, and analysis of, the complex mixture of problems and possibiliti...
A comprehensive introduction to, and analysis of, the complex mixture of problems and possibiliti...
The Effective Learning and Teaching in Higher Education series will include over 20 volumes, each...
Many families are creating multigenerational households to consolidate resources and save money. ...
New Managerialism, New Welfare is a carefully integrated textbook that explores the continuing re...
In this, perhaps the most encompassing of her works, Dr. Ruth Velikovsky Sharon brilliantly lifts...
Our understanding of how the world works was fundamentally altered when the mechanical model of c...
We the People describes a new method of governing ourselves that creates more inclusive and effic...
Theseproceedingscontaintherefereedfulltechnicalpaperspresentedatthe26th Annual European Conferenc...
Cognitive load theory uses our knowledge of how people learn, think and solve problems to design ...
The Alexander Technique is a hands-on educational method that helps individuals learn how to elim...