'Carmilla was originally serialised in the magazine The Dark Blue between 1871 and 1872'--Title p...
Die hübsche Laura bewohnt mit ihrem Vater und wenigen Bediensteten das prunkvolle, aber abgelegen...
This remarkable collection of stories, first published in 1872, includes Green Tea, The Familiar,...
A young heiress finds herself caught in the sinister plots of her mysterious Uncle Silas. A new e...
Ein Klassiker der Vampire-Romance - so unsterblich wie Carmilla selbst.
Laura lebt mit ihrem Vater und einigen Bediensteten in einem abgelegenen Schloss in der Steiermar...
Erstverkaufstag: 01.02.2025
A stunning new paperback edition of the original vampire story that inspired Dracula -- featuring...
Erstverkaufstag: 03.06.2025
A hypnotic new art book edition of the original vampire novel. The book that inspired Stoker's DR...
Erstverkaufstag: 21.01.2025
New collection of the master of early Victorian gothic, horror and ghost stories. Le Fanu's influ...
The sixth volume of an eight book collection from 'the grandfather of the ghost story'Whilst many...
The fifth volume of an eight book collection from 'the grandfather of the ghost story'Whilst many...
The penultimate volume of an eight book collection from 'the grandfather of the ghost story'Whils...