Erstverkaufstag: 27.03.2025
Prose poems with seemingly real-life experiences made folkloric through sudden linguistic and the...
'The marvelous prose poems in Shivani Mehta's debut collection live at the intersection of langua...
Population ageing is a process no longer confined to industrialized countries. Many developing co...
This book provides comprehensive and updated coverage of mouth breathing habit. It covers the lat...
In der heutigen Zeit sind Kinder in hohem Maße der Elektronik- und Computerwelt ausgesetzt, da si...
Al giorno d'oggi, i bambini sono ampiamente esposti al mondo dell'elettronica e del computer: han...
À l'heure actuelle, les enfants sont largement exposés au monde de l'électronique et de l'informa...
En la actualidad, los niños están muy expuestos al mundo electrónico e informático: tienen móvile...
Hoje em dia, as crianças estão amplamente expostas ao mundo eletrónico e informático, com telemóv...