Advances in data collection and storage capabilities have led to an information overload in most ...
This book is an innovative attempt to examine the awareness and use levels of the women as regard...
Young people in the twenty-first century have become much more informed than any other generation...
This book is an innovative attempt to examine the awareness and use levels of the women as regard...
Los jóvenes del siglo XXI están mucho más informados que cualquier otra generación anterior. Está...
Os jovens do século XXI tornaram-se muito mais informados do que qualquer outra geração anterior....
Die jungen Menschen des einundzwanzigsten Jahrhunderts sind viel besser informiert als jede ander...
I giovani del XXI secolo sono diventati molto più informati di qualsiasi altra generazione. Sono ...
Les jeunes du XXIe siècle sont beaucoup plus informés que toutes les générations précédentes. Ils...
Molodye lüdi XXI weka stali gorazdo bolee informirowannymi, chem lüboe drugoe pokolenie do ätogo....