Die Häresie des Kriegsherrn offenbart sich dem Imperium.Legionen, die von dem Massaker auf Isstva...
Erstverkaufstag: 06.05.2025
Nach einem langen und zermürbenden Konflikt nähern sich die Verräter dem Segmentum Solar. Für die...
A multi-disciplinary exploration of how we can help decision makers to deliberate and make better...
A multi-disciplinary exploration of how we can help decision makers to deliberate and make better...
Internet is starting to permeate politics much as it has previously revolutionised education, bus...
This book pulls together many perspectives on the theory, methods and practice of drawing judgmen...
Readers of Simon French's debut collection Joyriding Down Utopia Avenue are in a for a delightful...
This book pulls together many perspectives on the theory, methods and practice of drawing judgmen...