Ce livre offre une vue d¿ensemble complète sur la gestion anesthésique des interventions cardiova...
Ce « Manuel de lutte contre les moustiques » explore l¿élimination du paludisme à travers l¿expér...
Fruit du travail de l¿équipe du Dr. He Meiting, ce livre rassemble des cas échographiques complex...
This book provides an overview of asphalt pavement maintenance, highlighting the key asphalt pave...
This book provides an overview of asphalt pavement maintenance, highlighting the key asphalt pave...
This book includes original, peer-reviewed research papers from the 2022 International Conference...
The book is the proceedings from the abovementioned conferences. The purposes of the conferences ...
The book is the proceedings from the abovementioned conferences. The purposes of the conferences ...
This book includes original, peer-reviewed research papers from the 2022 International Conference...