The book ' Controversies in Endodontics' highlights some of the highly debated and unresolved bio...
Energy demand, and in particular electricity demand in India has been growing at a very rapid rat...
This book features selected high-quality research papers presented at the International Conferenc...
La domanda di energia, e in particolare la domanda di elettricità in India è cresciuta ad un ritm...
A procura de energia, e em particular de electricidade na Índia tem crescido a um ritmo muito ráp...
V poslednee desqtiletie spros na änergiü, i w chastnosti na älektroänergiü, w Indii rastet ochen'...
Die Energienachfrage und insbesondere die Stromnachfrage in Indien ist in den letzten zehn Jahren...
La demande d'énergie, et en particulier la demande d'électricité en Inde, a augmenté à un rythme ...
This book constitutes the proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Big Data Analytics, ...
This book covers the latest advancements in the areas of machine learning, computer vision, patte...
La demanda de energía, y en particular la de electricidad, en India ha crecido a un ritmo muy ráp...
The three-volume set LNCS 13623, 13624, and 13625 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 29t...