Das vorliegende Lehrbuch ist als Leitfaden für eine zwei- oder dreisemestrige Analysis-Vorlesung ...
Partizipation gewinnt derzeit als Gegenstand und Methodik der Bildungsforschung an Bedeutung. Ger...
The new series, International Mathematical Series founded by Kluwer Plenum Publishers and the R...
Inhaltsangabe:Einleitung:Während meines Studiums an der Technischen Universität Berlin bin ich fü...
Many properties of minimal surfaces are of a global nature, and this is already true for the resu...
Closeness at a Distance is a groundbreaking approach to the challenges so many teams, and team le...
Minimal Surfaces is the first volume of a three volume treatise on minimal surfaces (Grundlehren ...
From the contents: A. Arosio: Global solvability of second order evolution equations in Banach sc...
Today's leaders and managers have to operate in a complex environment. This means that if they ar...
The main topics reflect the fields of mathematics in which Professor O.A. Ladyzhenskaya obtained ...
This book is not a textbook, but rather a coherent collection of papers from the field of partial...
Der zweite Band dieses Lehrbuchs der Analysis umfaßt den Stoff des zweiten Semesters eines mathem...