Join Stephan Grundy as he weaves this intriguing historical fiction for the reader set in the Uls...
Forlorn Hope is a military mystery fantasy set in a Landsknecht environment: the general politica...
A fat, dreamy child, disappointing to his famous berserker father, Berki is given the mocking nam...
The Happy Barn Cat is a comprehensive, relatable guidebook to raising barn cats. Written in an ea...
On Walpurgisnight of 1365, Margerite bears her child into grave danger: Graf Günther, a leader am...
A warrior, impetuous and proud, an insatiable lover, and a man of restless, violent spirit, Gilga...
Helgi, heathen rock star extraordinaire, finds himself facing his destiny from his last life in h...
Grundy tells his version of the saga of Sigifrith's heroic ancestry and of the cursed treasure gu...