A quirky, intimate memoir of Midwestern folk artist Stephen Warde Anderson (1953-) featuring a su...
The Anderson Revisionist Bible (a work in progress) is an attempt to present a rendering of the B...
A pseudo-autobiographical novel about an amnesiac whose only memory is that of a childhood vision...
A pseudo-autobiographical novel about an amnesiac whose only memory is that of a childhood vision...
The Books of Moses is the first of five volumes that will comprise The Anderson Revisionist Bible...
Part of the Anderson Revisionist Bible, this contemporary prose translation of the Book of Prover...
A collection of over 120 full-page images of the tempera, gouache, and acrylic paintings of Steph...
For a general audience and for young readers, a selection of 52 short biographies ranging from th...
The author's thoughts and comments on a wide variety of random subjects including cold showers, d...
A modern verse translation of the Old Testament Book of Psalms.
An interesting and easy-to-read handbook covering infectious diseases and notable epidemics with ...