Main Story by Kevin J. Anderson. Sequel Novelette by Steven Savile. The Stellar Guild Series. ***...
'The entire collection constitutes thought-provoking entertainment for a good cause, with all pub...
The enemy within...When the Tok'ra ask SG-1 to save a tortured creature from the clutches of Apop...
With the discovery of the long lost Seal of Solomon Konstantin Khavin and Orla Nyrén find themsel...
Jude Lethe is not a field agent. He's the behind-the-scenes technical whizzkid who makes it possi...
The Scepter of Xarbaal - Its unspeakable power is capable of shattering the very foundation of th...
The Scepter of Xarbaal - its unspeakable power is capable of shattering the very foundation of th...
A search for the legendary sword of Julius Caesar draws the Ogmios Team into a web of intrigue, b...
1996, London. The Troubles are in full flow. A young Irish officer, Ronan Frost, is deep undercov...
The latest book in the award-nominated series featuring maverick military veteran, Byron Tibor.St...