Self-nanoemulsifying drug delivery systems (SNEDDS) have been proved as technologically worthwhil...
The objectives of the present research work are to improve the solubility and dissolution rate of...
Nanostructured lipid carriers are obtained using a blend of solid and liquid lipids; this blend i...
Les transporteurs lipidiques nanostructurés sont obtenus à partir d'un mélange de lipides solides...
I carrier lipidici nanostrutturati sono ottenuti utilizzando una miscela di lipidi solidi e liqui...
Nanostrukturierte Lipidträger werden mit einer Mischung aus festen und flüssigen Lipiden hergeste...
Os transportadores lipídicos nanoestruturados são obtidos utilizando uma mistura de lípidos sólid...
Los portadores lipídicos nanoestructurados se obtienen utilizando una mezcla de lípidos sólidos y...