Fünf College-Studenten begeben sich unter Führung ihres Doktorvaters Professor Malone (Eric Rober...
Ein ausführlicher Elternratgeber für die tägliche PraxisEntspannen, beruhigen, stärken und Vertra...
Es liegt in Ihrer HandDie Handschrift sagt viel mehr über die Persönlichkeit des Menschen aus als...
The fast advancement of technology creates a constant raise in the film industry around the world...
Four different functionalized Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) hybrids using dendrimers and...
This book focuses on the failure of elementary education since Independence, which is usually see...
Whilst poetry and fiction have been subjected to extensive linguistic analysis, drama has long re...
Antibiotics are inhibited in foods. FDA has approved the usage of nisin and natamycin as preserva...
Indian sage Patanjali wrote his famous Yoga Sutras sometime around 250 B.C. and they are still wi...
A laboratory experiment was conducted at College of Horticulture, Dr.Y.S.R. Horticulture Universi...
'LANGUAGE IS THE MUSIC OF OUR SOUL'.Language influences human thought, it plays an unique role in...