In The Activist, Nigeria's acclaimed poet, Tanure Ojaide, brings his sharp sensibilities and writ...
Tanure Ojaide is an award-winning writer, both creative and academic. This collection of his essa...
At the onset of this novel is the return of the journalist Dede Daro from the USA, where he had t...
The Beauty I Have Seen. A Trilogy comprises three phases in a poetic journey, ranging from the po...
A new poetic work by one of Nigeria's foremost contemporary poets, I Want to Dance is an extended...
These ten short stories, of varying length, intensity and focus, are the first by Ojaide, publish...
In his new collection, Nigeria's leading poet and literary scholar reflects on social and politic...
The Nobel Laureate's reputation as a dramatist tends to cloud his poetic achievement, and in mode...
Creative writing is a relatively new phenomenon in African universities, as the influence of the ...
This is a pioneering work on Urhobo language, and since language is not the restricted domain of ...
This work takes in two collections of poetry. The poems of Delta Bluesprotests against the envi...
In this collection, Nigerian poet Tanure Ojaide adopts the persona of a homeboy griot returning f...