The elusive dream of replacing missing teeth with artificial analogs has been part of dentistry f...
Muller de Van¿s principle of preservation ¿Perpectual Preservation of what remains is more import...
The term CAD CAM, which comes from machine-tool technology and stands for ¿Computer-Aided-Design ...
Der aus der Werkzeugmaschinentechnik stammende Begriff CAD CAM steht für 'Computer-Aided-Design...
Il termine CAD CAM, che deriva dalla tecnologia delle macchine utensili ed è l'acronimo di 'Compu...
El término CAD CAM, que procede de la tecnología de máquinas-herramienta y significa 'Computer-Ai...
Le terme CAD CAM, issu de la technologie des machines-outils et signifiant 'Computer-Aided-Design...
O termo CAD CAM, que vem da tecnologia das máquinas-ferramentas e significa 'Computer-Aided-Desig...