st es möglich, sich für die Welt zu entscheiden - inmitten des Lärms und der Wirrungen des täglic...
Thomas Merton, 1915 in Frankreich geboren, mit zwanzig Jahren Kommunist, mit dreiundzwanzig Katho...
Christliche Kontemplation war eines der zentralen Anliegen Thomas Mertons, um das er sich in sein...
Chuang Tse ist neben Lao Tse der bedeutendste Vertreter der taoistischen Lehre. Er veranschaulich...
'Fifty-two readings about The Sermon on the Mount designed to be read together with others, to di...
Thomas Merton was recognized as one of those rare Western minds that are entirely at home with th...
The spiritual and psychological insights of these essays were nurtured in a monastic milieu, but ...
This early work by Anglo-American Catholic writer Thomas Merton is both expensive and hard to fin...
The Private MertonThis intensely personal book from the ultimate spiritual writer of our time sho...
'The whole problem of our time is the problem of love. How are we going to recover the ability to...