Holmes's discovery of a mysterious musical score initiates a devious Christmas challenge set by I...
When Muriel Carew attends a lavish society party, the last person she expects to bump into is her...
A thrilling chase as Sherlock Holmes is set a fiendish puzzle by Irene Adler over a snowy London ...
Erstverkaufstag: 02.09.2025
Dr Jekyll and his monstrous alter-ego join forces with his ex-fiancée to solve a series of disapp...
An anthology of strange sea tales from inspiring writers across the UK, including Joanne Harris's...
Strange stories about houses, homes and familiesA sentient house is overprotective of its occupan...
In the idyllic village of Touchstone, the birds are singing and everyone is happy. But Ethan know...
Tim Major delivers an intriguing murder mystery that pays homage to Asimov's seminal robot storie...
StoriesAdriana Kantcheva - The LibrarianBeatrice Alder - City of Corporate-Sanctioned DelightsBet...
When Janus Nova awakens from Cryostasis in the year 2822, the world he once knew is gone-and his ...