The story begins in the 1950s with two children, Tom and Cara, who live with their foster parents...
Upon graduating from C.C.N.Y., Tom has begun teaching at Curtis High School, located on Staten Is...
Philosophy has been viewed as an obscure, difficult subject with no connection to the real world....
The story begins in the 1950s with two children, Tom and Cara, who live with their foster parents...
Tom Haley, a science teacher, is doing research on the effects of nutrition on maze-learning abil...
The Mariners Harbor Messiah was the tag given to the protagonist, a gifted young man, consequent ...
Tom Haley, a rookie college teacher, is awakened by someone fiddling with his front door. Rushing...
This book deals with western philosophy - its concepts and applications to our world. The basic i...
The story begins in the 1950s with two children, Tom and Cara, who live with their foster parents...
The story begins in the 1950s with two children, Tom and Cara, who live with their foster parents...
A virulent form of the corona virus has swept through the world - killing billions of people in 2...
A virulent form of the corona virus has swept through the world - killing billions of people in 2...