A version of Aesop's fables finds that kind hearted Poppy is willing to help snake after he hurts...
A version of Aesop's Fables finds two friends, a grasshopper and an ant, who each spend their tim...
A national best seller, deemed 'one of Morrison's most haunting works,' A Mercy reveals what lies...
New York Times BestsellerPecola Breedlove, a young black girl, prays every day for beauty. Mocked...
Toni Morrison was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1993. She was the author of many novel...
New edition of this Toni Morrison title, published to coincide the release of the major film vers...
Die Wiederentdeckung von Toni Morrisons einziger Erzählung, erstmals 1983 erschienen und nie zuvo...
Das Romandebüt der Nobelpreisträgerin Toni Morrison in neuer, zeitgemäßer Übersetzung und mit ein...
«Solomons Lied», in den USA 1977 erschienen, war - nach «Sehr blaue Augen» und «Sula» - Toni Morr...
Toni Morrison was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1993. She was the author of many novel...
Zwei Mädchen, die zu Frauen heranwachsen. Zwei Freundinnen, die zu schlimmsten Feindinnen werden:...
Die amerikanische Literaturnobelpreis-Trägerin Toni Morrison hat ihr Leben als Schriftstellerin d...