After losing his job, MELVIN finds himself struggling to make ends meet. Figuring that he doesn't...
Outnumbered and outgunned by those who are out to kill him, TIAZ finds an ally in a very unlikely...
TIAZ and THREAT thought they had planned the perfect caper. But when the unexpected happens and t...
TIAZ and THREAT thought they had planned the perfect caper. But when the unexpected happens and t...
Young, loyal and startling beautiful CHEVY is in search of the fairy tale love that she has alway...
Lafayette made a move on his rise to power that comes back to haunt him. His mistake puts him at ...
Outnumbered and outgunned by those who are out to kill him, TIAZ finds an ally in a very unlikely...
After dispatching the Bonnie & Clyde robbing duo that hit his spot, LAFAYETTE is left to deal wit...
While most kids want to be a basketball player or a police officer when they grow up, LAFAYETTE w...
With the death of his mother and his father being strung out on heroin, MENACE took to the street...
Stolen duffle bags of money and the word of a disloyal friend pits the goons of a reputable crime...
After completing a blood assignment, FEAR shows up to collect what he is owed and runs head on in...