Despite tremendous growth Indian Railways is at a critical juncture primarily due to financial co...
Indian Railway is at a transitional juncture where at the one end there is growing expectation fr...
The purpose of the book is to develop and characterize pulsatile drug delivery system of a novel ...
This edited book covers all aspects of grain legumes including negative impact of abiotic and bio...
The edited book covers all major and minor diseases in grain legumes (chickpea, pigeon pea, lenti...
This edited book covers all aspects of grain legumes including negative impact of abiotic and bio...
El objetivo de este trabajo es desarrollar y caracterizar un sistema de administración pulsátil d...
O objetivo do livro é desenvolver e caraterizar o sistema de administração pulsátil de um novo me...
L'objectif de ce livre est de développer et de caractériser un système d'administration pulsatile...
Ziel dieses Buches ist die Entwicklung und Charakterisierung eines pulsierenden Wirkstoffabgabesy...
Lo scopo del libro è quello di sviluppare e caratterizzare un sistema di rilascio pulsatile di un...
The edited book covers all major and minor diseases in grain legumes (chickpea, pigeon pea, lenti...