The goal of implants, is to restore the patients stomatognathic system to normal contour, functio...
Bone plays an important role in homeostasis, by supporting metabolic exchange, providing main sup...
Technology has been the driving force for evolution of mankind. In-corporation of robots into our...
The field of vascular anomalies is rapidly growing and has significantly evolved during the recen...
Dental caries is the most common infectious multifactorial disease, resulting from the interactio...
A prospective study conducted from Sep. 2012 to Sep. 2014 in Department of Paediatric Surgery, In...
Here we present a comparative study of fixation, with bioresorbable plates and titanium miniplate...
La technologie a été le moteur de l'évolution de l'humanité. L'intégration des robots dans notre ...
Die Technologie war die treibende Kraft für die Entwicklung der Menschheit. Die Integration von R...
La tecnologia è stata la forza trainante dell'evoluzione dell'umanità. L'integrazione dei robot n...
Il campo delle anomalie vascolari è in rapida crescita e si è evoluto in modo significativo negli...
La tecnología ha sido el motor de la evolución de la humanidad. La incorporación de robots a nues...