The book throws light on the ongoing trends in international business, integration of information...
This proceedings volume, with more than 30 chapters, is based on the presentations given at the N...
This proceedings volume, with more than 30 chapters, is based on the presentations given at the N...
Transforming Management Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques redefines management practices u...
There is no industry left where artificial intelligence is not used in some capacity. The applica...
The book emphasis the designing of fly ash based Nano composite pigments for NIR reflective coati...
El libro hace hincapié en el diseño de pigmentos nanocompuestos basados en cenizas volantes para ...
Il libro enfatizza la progettazione di pigmenti compositi Nano a base di cenere volante per rives...
Der Schwerpunkt des Buches liegt auf der Entwicklung von Nano-Kompositpigmenten auf Flugaschebasi...
Kniga poswqschena razrabotke nanokompozitnyh pigmentow na osnowe letuchej zoly dlq BIK-otrazhaüsc...
Ce livre met l'accent sur la conception de pigments nanocomposites à base de cendres volantes pou...
O livro enfatiza o desenho de pigmentos Nano compósitos à base de cinzas volantes para revestimen...