A relatively more recent approach that has come into existence is the one that combines the featu...
A novel approach that utilizes the principles of ayurvedic system which offers features of both m...
Clonidine Hydrochloride a centrally acting sympatholytic and Imidazoline-derivative hypotensive a...
Sustained drug delivery means not only prolonged duration of drug delivery, but also implies pred...
Therapeutic effectiveness of a drug depends upon the bioavailability and ultimately upon the solu...
Die Arzneimitteltherapie ist ein dynamischer Prozess. Die orale Verabreichung von Arzneimitteln w...
Drug therapy is a dynamic process. Oral route of drug delivery is typically considered the prefer...
Cosmetic any substance or preparation intended to be placed in contact with the various parts of ...
Kosmetische Mittel alle Stoffe oder Zubereitungen, die dazu bestimmt sind, mit den verschiedenen ...
Cosmetico qualsiasi sostanza o preparazione destinata ad essere messa in contatto con le varie pa...
Kosmetika lübogo weschestwa ili preparata, prednaznachennogo dlq kontakta s razlichnymi chastqmi ...
A terapia com medicamentos é um processo dinâmico. A via oral de administração de medicamentos é ...