Erstverkaufstag: 27.01.2025
Human nature is the fount whence Ezekiel''s poetrysprings. He has delved deeply into the realms...
Discourse is the creation and organization of the segments of a language above as well as below t...
The book presents the principles of cancer biology in an organized, cogent, and in-depth manner. ...
In the developing countries, including India, the production of crop residue has progressively in...
Each and every joke in this book is nothing but hilarious, which is sure to make you roll on the ...
The Guru who rocked my life is a mysterious tale that has amazing life concepts embedded in it. T...
This book analyzes the entire spectrum of energy, from conventional sources to various alternativ...
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Panchantantra is part of Indian folklore for over 400 years now and has delighted people all over...
This book analyzes the entire spectrum of energy, from conventional sources to various alternativ...