A detailed description of the key physical and engineering principles of quantum semiconductor he...
Quantum Heterostructures provides a detailed description of the key physical and engineering prin...
Textbook introducing engineers to quantum mechanics and nanostructures, covering the fundamentals...
A comprehensive textbook on nanoelectronics covering the underlying physics, nanostructures, nano...
This textbook is a comprehensive, interdisciplinary account of the technology and science underpi...
Modern technology is rapidly developing and for this reason future engineers need to acquire adva...
Bazirowanie, est'sposobnost' rassmatriwaemoj powerhnosti lishat' zagotowku opredelennogo chisla...
Kachestwo slitkow, poluchaemyh na mashinah neprerywnogo lit'q zagotowok (MNLZ), ob#emy metalla, o...