American Christian Fiction Writers Carol Award (Speculative Fiction) Finalist, 2012Dassa skates t...
Ever wonder how the enigmatic author J. S. Freemanmanaged to rise from the shrouds of obscurity...
Once Adam has completed his training to become a knight (or Nasi, as such things are called on th...
Are you suffering?Are you depressed?Does your heart cry, 'Where are You God? Why did You let t...
Fifteen-year-old LILEELA is happy on the planet Karkar, where she was sent ten years ago for repa...
One of the most prominent names in the lore of the planet Umban, author J. S. Freeman is as myste...
In this second book of the subject author's three-part story, she tells of her fairy-tale marriag...
Timmy has always wished for a new home for him and his brother. ToriDori has always wanted a pupp...
Timmy has always wished for a new home for him and his brother. ToriDori has always wanted a pupp...