When Jessica, a recently divorced mental-health carer, meets her new patient, Eloise, their lives...
'Blood and Bone' is the tale of a man haunted by the violent truths of his ancestry. Through his ...
From Rio to Oostend to Amsterdam and beyond, a troupe of acrobats travel the world, performing mi...
Winner of the 2015 Seizure Viva La Novella Prize Lives turned upside down by a bureaucratic erro...
When Luke is implicated in the tragic death of a child, he struggles to assert his innocence to t...
Four days before Christmas in 1920, Dorothy Mort shot her lover dead in cold blood. The tragic en...
Winner of the Ned Kelly Award for Non-Fiction A true crime classic, Huckstepp investigates the m...
In the spring of 1917 an apprentice from the Cumberland Paper Mills, just outside Sydney, was wal...
Winner of the 2015 Seizure Viva La Novella PrizeA sharp-edged semi-futuristic riff about a rebel...
Winner of the 2015 Seizure Viva La Novella Prize'Dazzling, intelligent and heart-rending. I have ...
When Sydney Observed was first published in 1965 (under the title Sydney), and illustrated throug...
Winner of the Colin Roderick AwardLion & Kangaroo is one of Australia's great works of history, a...