Among the Northwest Coast Indians (Tlingit, Haida, and others), potlatches traditionally are lavi...
Against the backdrop of the great Bristol Bay salmon fishery, thirteen-year-old Zoey struggles wi...
This new edition contains new stories and updates from the super-heateddays when fishing fleets...
Etta Jones was not a World War II soldier or a war time spy. She was a school teacher whose life ...
Fred Beckey, Jim Bridwell, Riccardo Cassin, Art Davidson, Royal Robbins, David Roberts, Bradford ...
Writer and fisherman Joe Upton recounts the riveting stories ofexplorers of the past and seafar...
Esther Atoolik is twelve years old and her Alaskan village is getting smaller; there aren't enoug...
Alaska Native Literature Award WinnerThe tragic yet triumphant story of a young mother's winter j...
Among the Northwest Coast Indians (Tlingit, Haida, and others), potlatches traditionally are lavi...
Groucho's name is obvious toKristie when she names her new kitten. He's as white as a cloudev...
Lowell Thomas Jr. is a famed Alaskan who made his mark as a Bush pilot and by serving in state go...
First published ten years after Olaus J. Murie's death, here is an engaging firsthand description...