Erika Schroll, a small girl, growing up in the picturesque town of Saaz, discovers the way of the...
Socialism and the mindset of the traditional left have outlived their purpose. A new political ph...
This is a moving tale about mid-19th century Poland, based on the experiences of the author's for...
Few books evoke the private life of an era, as it was in England between 1935 and 1954, with such...
This is the personal story of the author's early childhood and that of her family leading up to a...
This illuminating broad-based political and cultural study presents the definitive account of the...
The transformation of society and the world of work, in the industrialised countries over the pas...
This is a penetrating study of many aspects of life, thought, and everyday existence in Scandinav...
In the wake of 9 11, the events following a murder case that Jewish American-Danish lawyer Jon Ba...
Democracy understood as people power, which is the only proper definition of the word, is put for...
In the early hours of 8 August 1963, a crime took place which simultaneously captured the imagina...
The Islamic threat is possibly the most disturbing political issue of our time, as it impacts on ...